Meez foundsies der cute, cuddlez Squaredy Cats. Picture over dere wif the cute, cuddlez skeleton cat is my favey. Dare is moar. Seez fer yerselfs. Clicky. Maybe you sees vampire cat, or ghost cat, or devil cat, or maybe less lucky sees cowboy cat or princess cat. Meez likey too much for cares. Makesy T-shirts too. Pritty, pritty squaredy cats t-shirts. Meez not squared of heck.
I findzded dis yummy, delish bloggy all bout der Monster Cereals. Lots der fun posts, and newsies. Makes meez want sweeties insted of der brainsies. I sendzded its to DeMonica toos.
Goodbye, Garbage Man :( Long live the Creature from the Black Leather Lagoon.
So sad. I’m glad I didn’t hear about this without having had some brains for dessert last night. Lux Interior, the lead singer and front-man for The Cramps has died. He always seemed so undead already. This comes as a huge shock! I hope Poison Ivy is doing okay.
Meezy likey Vinyl Pulse site meez found. Yummy-gummy good tings. Meezy like all it. Pritty, pritty. You like? Meezy like. Clicky threew dey tings at Vinyl Pulse. Tells me yooz likes or noes.
Deesy meezy faves…
Kathie Olivia’s Two Faced Hazel is pritty, pritty.
The Maniac is handsome.
Mayhaps meezy has brainz for lunchy-brunchy tomorrows. :P Om nom nom nom!